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Owner : Jean-François Genoud
Creator : Angèle Cottet
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    The Graubünden vineyard, a hidden treasure on the banks of the Rhine

    • Wine
    Welcome to the smallest of all the Alpine wine regions: the Bündner Herrschaft in Switzerland, a vineyard located on the north-western edge of the country’s largest canton by area, Graubünden. The land of great Pinot Noirs.
  • Alpine Wine Regions map (c) 2023


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    Alpina Vina is your expert guide to the finest wines and producers in Europe’s Alpine arc created by a group of passionate Alpine wine lovers and experts with a keen interest in the wine regions of the Alps: Trentino (IT), Alto Adige (IT), Valais (CH), Savoie (FR), Ticino (CH), Valtellina (IT), Chablais (CH), Aosta Valley (IT) and Graubünden (CH).
  • Alpina Vina fim team

    A new series of alpine wine documentaries

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    In the foothills of the Alps, the alpine terroir is characterised by a cold and snowy winter climate, relatively high altitude vineyards and often steep slopes with many native grape varieties rarely found elsewhere. With a proven history of wine production dating back to Roman times, Alpine wines are a hidden treasure in the heart of Europe. This film series highlights the Alpine wine regions of Switzerland, Italy and France.

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